







2006/12/24 - This site is alive... and back?!? Oh, and merry Christmas!

Ouch. For a moment I thought myself the whole site was dead. There has been no update at all in the last 4 months, mainly because I was way too damn busy with school so I have been unable to work on the site like I wanted. That, and I've gotten sick of writing descriptions for hundreds of songs as I've took the time to describe every Planet of Cartmans 2 song. Sue me!

Well, this is finally a brand new update, taking off where the last one dropped us all. All of the descriptions for the songs in the Midis 2002 section are finally up and running, plus the 2003 section has finally opened! Oh joy! This time, you won't even have to wait for the descriptions because they're done already. Wooo!

Finally, the current audio page has been updated as well, with a grand total of 5 new tunes I've made during these few last months. All of these new tunes have been joyfully labelled with one of the neat "New!!" images that are the rage on the Internet, so you'll know where to click. Hope you enjoy them! Have a good holiday, everyone!



2006/8/21 - POC2 soundtrack description online, 2002 midis section up, new tunes!

It's been a long time... but I finally did it. All of Planet of Cartmans 2's songs finally have their song info attached to them! Now you can feel free to know what I do think of these songs, even though I doubt it will change your opinion about these tunes. Oh well, the more info the merrier!

Anyway, my personal description writing nightmare will soon resume, because the 2002 midis section is now up, which add up 50 midis to the already growing batch of midi files available. There are no descriptions online yet, but this shouldn't really impact the listening experience much.

Finally, there are four new tunes available in the audio section, all freshly released from the harddrive. We've got some ambient, pop, trance and finally drum and bass! Hope you enjoy the tunes, everyone.



2006/7/24 - Planet of Cartmans 2 soundtrack online

New update! Some good news for whoever feels to listening to a lot of music, but doesn't want to move pages much! The entirety of the Planet of Cartmans 2 soundtrack has just been released! Including outtakes, songs that haven't been used in the final game, and some extras there and there. That makes for a whopping 82 tunes for your listening pleasure. Go check out now!

WARNING: Since writing up descriptions for 82 songs takes a long time and I didn't want to delay this update furthermore, you'll have to deal without them for the time being. Be assured that they will be brought online next, alongside some new material.



2006/7/18 - Yours truly is a goddamned busy slob!

Sorry for the very long wait between this second update, but let it be known that I've been very busy these days. Summer is not always as calm and peaceful as everyone would want it to be. From the scorching, unbearable weather that have stroke there to all of the various work I do to pay my upcoming bills, I haven't got the opportunity to fire up Dreamweaver much. Anyway, up to the update!

Two new midi sections are up. I have added the totality of my publically released 2004 midis, as well than the Planet of Cartmans soundtrack, which constitutes my only early songs that make sense. The next update should include the very recent and extensive Planet of Cartmans 2 soundtrack, which makes up for more than 80 songs. Stay tuned!



2006/7/2 - Grarrgh! This site is online.

Hello, welcome to this new website. In it, you will be able to find out most of the music that I've sequenced/written over the years. Of course, not all of the content is online yet, but everything will be brought up in due time.

Why the name Max Project? Well, it's simple. This is a new project of mine, and my name is Max. Nothing more to it. This is my departure from the usual midi-based composition toward something more real sounding. In all those years, I believe I have mastered the capacity of composing, so it is now time to put those skills to use from a more technical standpoint, focusing on the use of musical gear to expand my musical horizons further ahead.

All music found in this site can be found under 3 different categories. There are midi files, module files and finally audio files. All of these songs are sorted out under different categories, depending upon overall quality and the reason why they were sequenced in the first place. There's quite a little bit of everything in this site, so feel free to browse and check out the site for the content that is there.

This is it for the moment. Stay tuned for the next update. More material will be added up that site in the near future.



There are old news articles, too.

Click there if you want to read them.



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